t. 31 (0)162 69 21 48

determine the duration

you determine the duration yourself

you determine the duration

You determine the duration yourself. € 18.50 per quarter of an hour. Below you will find more information.

  • introductory meeting: An introductory meeting takes 15 minutes and is free. It is of course also possible to do this by telephone.
  • 45-minute appointment: The intake and treatment take place on separate days, € 55.50. The treatment is exclusively an energetic treatment only.
  • 60-minute appointment*: €74.00. *The intake takes 45 minutes and takes place on a different day than the treatment.
  • 90-minute appointment: The first appointment lasts approximately 90 -120 minutes (intake followed by a treatment), a follow-up appointment lasts approximately 90 minutes, € 111.00. Treatment consists of psychosocial support and energetic treatment.

The above consultations (appointments) are exempt from VAT.

do you only want an intake first?

That is of course possible. An intake takes about 45 minutes, € 55.50 (VAT exempt)Intake includes filling in and discussing a questionnaire (anamnesis), examination and the treatment plan.

appointment on location

Are you unable to come to the practice yourself or be brought by third parties? Then it is possible that the treatment is given on location.

For treatment on location, a kilometer allowance is charged from 5 kilometers. The same applies to travel distances of more than half an hour. These contributions are not exempt from VAT. Do you want to know more about this? Please feel free to contact us Contact on.

remote healthcare


Working transparently is a matter of course. It is a matter of principle for Bianca to share experience and knowledge.


Half measures are not an option. Everything is done as thoroughly as possible, from start to finish. Reflection, honesty and openness ensure that Bianca does not make anything easy.

To collaborate

Transparent, collaborating, informing and referring.
That is my motto and my experience.
The starting point: together we do everything we can to offer you the support that helps you further.
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