t. 31 (0)162 69 21 48

the team

would like to introduce itself to you


I would like to briefly introduce myself. You usually only find me in practice. Sometimes you come across another team member in practice. It can be an intern or ... Cookie.

The way I see it, it's about connection, connection. I firmly believe in the power of a close interdependence between traditional (complementary) and regular care. With my analytical skills I look for the question behind the question. My working method is flexible: keep going if possible and take it easy when necessary.

From professionalism, where quality, openness, humor and authenticity are of paramount importance to me.

Would you like to get acquainted in more detail? Then take Contact on.

Bird's eye view...

Since 2002 I have been practicing in complementary care, as an energetic therapist. I followed a four-year HBO-level education (HJBC). In addition to a solid medical and psychosocial basic knowledge, I have also acquired skills in areas such as stress reduction, psychology, nutrition, communication and coaching. However, for me the basis and starting point is the energy field.

I follow various further training courses at home and abroad with the aim of being aware of the latest developments, continuously offering quality, and gaining new knowledge and inspiration.

Do you want more background information? Feel free to look around on my LinkedIn page ...if you haven't already :).


would like to meet you


Cookie has a great mood, necessary 'portion' of people knowledge and therefore fits perfectly with the team. She greets everyone who comes in sometimes with a bark and always with a sniff.

Bianca Schmaal

complementary energetic therapist


complementary energetic therapistin training
The essence in two sentences. Sounds simple and easy. It is precisely in the things that seem simple and simple that the greatest challenge lies. - bianca :)

"At the center of your being you have the answer; you know who you are and you know what you want"
- Lao Tzu

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