t. 31 (0)162 69 21 48

Make an appointment

decide when and for how long

Make an appointment

We strive to ensure that you (or your child) receive optimal treatment and support.

What do we do? To start with, we first provide a cup of coffee, tea, water or ... orange juice. In the meantime, we first get to know each other. Do you live further away? Then we first get to know each other by phone.

After getting acquainted, Bianca would like to hear your story, the reason for your visit (intake). After that, research takes place in your own way. This is translated into a treatment plan. This happens the way Bianca does everything: honest, open, practical and transparent.

Do you agree? Then the first treatment will take place immediately or on another day. This depends on the length of time, which you determine yourself.

Do you want to make an appointment?

Please feel free to contact me.

This can be done by telephone, per e-mail or fill in the web form.

Contact Form

I agree with the privacy statement

appointment on location

Are you unable to come to the practice yourself or be brought by third parties? Then it is possible that the treatment is given on location.

Mileage reimbursement will be charged for treatment on location. Do you want to know more about this? Please feel free to contact us Contact on.

remote healthcare

huhIt is possible to use remote care. Remote care uses image bubbles via therapy country† This is a free program for you and you are not required to create an account or download a program first. You only need an internet connection via google Chrome, firefox, Edge of Opera. Soon it will also be possible via Safari. You will receive a link via email that you can open in one of the web browsers mentioned.

Therapyland is NEN 7510 and ISO 27001 certified. We consciously choose this to guarantee your privacy.


Working transparently is a matter of course. It is a matter of principle for Bianca to share experience and knowledge.


Half measures are not an option. Everything is done as thoroughly as possible, from start to finish. Reflection, honesty and openness ensure that Bianca does not make anything easy.

to collaborate

Transparent, collaborating, informing and referring.

That is my motto and my experience.

The starting point: together we do everything we can to offer you the support that helps you further.

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